Section 2 of the bill creates the regional planning roundtable commission (commission) within the department of local affairs. The commission is a 15-member board with members who serve 2-year terms. The purposes of the commission include:
Assisting local governments in complying with statutory housing, land use, or other planning requirements;
Assisting local governments in accessing state and federal resources and technical assistance for complying with statutory housing, land use, or other planning requirements;
In cooperation with local governments, creating, managing, and revising regions as necessary for the purpose of establishing a regional roundtable to address regional housing, land use, or other planning challenges and opportunities; and
Assisting local governments in establishing a regional roundtable to address regional housing, land use, or other planning challenges and opportunities.
Section 3 allows money in the housing needs planning technical assistance fund to be used for the planning, establishment, and implementation of the commission.
(Note: This summary applies to this bill as introduced.)