Under current law, if maintenance, repair, or construction activities are occurring or will occur within 4 hours on a portion of a state highway, the Colorado department of transportation (department) is permitted, but not required, to designate the portion of the highway as a highway maintenance, repair, or construction zone.
The act:
Removes the 4-hour time period relating to maintenance, repair, or construction activities that will occur on a portion of a state highway but maintains the 4-hour time period relating to maintenance, repair, or construction zones that are not on a state highway; and
Requires the department to designate a portion of a state highway on which construction activities are occurring as a highway construction zone.
APPROVED by Governor June 3, 2024
EFFECTIVE August 7, 2024(Note: This summary applies to this bill as enacted.)

Statutes affected:
Introduced (04/23/2024): 42-4-614
Engrossed (05/02/2024): 42-4-614
Reengrossed (05/03/2024): 42-4-614
Revised (05/04/2024): 42-4-614
Rerevised (05/06/2024): 42-4-614
Final Act (05/17/2024): 42-4-614
Signed Act (06/03/2024): 42-4-614