Current law requires state agencies and public entities to comply with digital accessibility standards on or before July 1, 2024. The act provides a one-year extension to July 1, 2025, of immunity from liability for failure to comply with the digital accessibility standards for an agency that demonstrates good faith efforts toward compliance or toward resolution of any complaint of noncompliance. To be eligible for the extension, the act requires the agency to post quarterly reports on progress and create a process for redress for inaccessible digital products.
APPROVED by Governor May 24, 2024
EFFECTIVE May 24, 2024(Note: This summary applies to this bill as enacted.)

Statutes affected:
Introduced (04/15/2024): 24-34-802
Engrossed (04/29/2024): 24-34-802
Reengrossed (05/01/2024): 24-34-802
Revised (05/05/2024): 24-34-802
Final Act (05/21/2024): 24-34-802
Signed Act (05/28/2024): 24-34-802