The act adds transgender identity to the classes identified in bias-motivated crimes and harassment. The act redefines sexual orientation for purposes of bias-motivated crimes as a person's orientation toward sexual or emotional attraction and the behavior or social affiliation that may result from the attraction.
APPROVED by Governor May 31, 2024
EFFECTIVE July 1, 2024(Note: This summary applies to this bill as enacted.)

Statutes affected:
Preamended PA1 (04/02/2024): 18-9-121, 18-9-111
Preamended PA2 (04/17/2024): 18-9-121, 18-9-111
Introduced (03/25/2024): 18-9-121, 18-9-111
Engrossed (04/08/2024): 18-9-121, 18-9-111
Reengrossed (04/09/2024): 18-9-121, 18-9-111
Revised (05/05/2024): 18-9-121, 18-9-111
Rerevised (05/06/2024): 18-9-121, 18-9-111
Final Act (05/13/2024): 18-9-121, 18-9-111
Signed Act (05/31/2024): 18-9-121, 18-9-111