Current law allows employees in the state personnel system and state employees that are covered under the "State Employee Group Benefits Act" to participate in a group benefit plan that includes any group benefit coverages contracted for or administered by the state personnel director (director). Such group benefit coverages include but are not limited to medical, dental, life, and disability benefits.
The act expands the definition of group benefit plans to include voluntary and flexible benefits. The act also defines voluntary benefit to mean a variety of benefit plans of products and services contracted for or administered by the director for which an employee may select voluntary payroll deductions that may be matched by a state contribution. The act requires the director to complete a fiscal analysis of the cost and outcome of any such voluntary benefit, which includes a determination by the department of the number of potential state employees retained as a result of offering the benefit, before a state contribution match can become effective. The act also excludes a contribution or donation to a candidate committee, political committee, political party, small donor committee, small-scale issue committee, or any other political entity from the definition of group benefit plans.
APPROVED by Governor May 15, 2024
EFFECTIVE August 7, 2024(Note: This summary applies to this bill as enacted.)
Statutes affected: Signed Act (05/16/2024): 24-50-603