The bill prohibits a person from carrying a firearm, both openly and concealed, in public locations specified in the bill. A violation is an unclassified misdemeanor, punishable by a maximum $250 fine; except that a second or subsequent offense is punishable by a maximum $1,000 fine. The bill includes exceptions for law enforcement officers, members of the United States armed forces or Colorado National Guard, security personnel, firearms stored in locked containers in vehicles, and possession for instruction in conjunction with an organized class, extracurricular activity, or athletic team authorized by a college or university. The bill prohibits a person from knowingly carrying a firearm, both openly and concealed, in the following government buildings, including their adjacent parking areas:
State legislative buildings, including buildings at which the offices of elected members are located;
A building of a local government's governing body, including buildings at which the offices of elected members or the chief executive officer of a local government are located; and
A courthouse or other building used for court proceedings.
Unlawful carrying of a firearm in a government building is a class 1 misdemeanor. The bill includes exceptions for law enforcement officers, members of the United States armed forces or Colorado National Guard, security personnel, persons carrying as part of the lawful and common practices of a legal proceeding, and persons who hold a permit to carry a concealed handgun (concealed carry permit) who are carrying a concealed handgun in an adjacent parking area. The bill permits a local government to enact a law permitting carrying at a local government building included in the bill.
The bill prohibits a person from knowingly carrying a firearm, both openly and concealed, on the property of a public or private preschool; public or private elementary, middle, junior high, high, or vocational school; or any public or private college, university, or seminary (higher education institution), with exceptions. A violation is a class 1 misdemeanor. The bill maintains exceptions in existing law for carrying a firearm on the property of a public elementary, middle, junior high, or high school and adds exceptions for concealed carry permit holders carrying in the parking area of a preschool or higher education institution; security personnel at a preschool or higher education institution; and for a preschool that is on the same property as another building or improvement, carrying a firearm in an area that is not designated as a preschool.
Existing law prohibits openly carrying a firearm within any polling location or central count facility, or within 100 feet of a ballot drop box or any building in which a polling location or central count facility is located, while an election or any related ongoing election administration activity is in progress. The bill prohibits carrying a firearm in any manner at those locations.
(Note: Italicized words indicate new material added to the original summary; dashes through words indicate deletions from the original summary.)
(Note: This summary applies to the reengrossed version of this bill as introduced in the second house.)

Statutes affected:
Preamended PA1 (03/28/2024): 18-12-105.5, 1-13-724, 18-12-105, 18-12-214
Introduced (02/07/2024): 18-12-214, 1-13-724
Engrossed (04/02/2024): 18-12-105.5, 1-13-724, 18-12-105, 18-12-214
Reengrossed (04/03/2024): 18-12-105.5, 1-13-724, 18-12-105, 18-12-214
Revised (04/26/2024): 18-12-105.5, 1-13-724, 18-12-105, 18-12-214
Rerevised (04/29/2024): 18-12-105.5, 1-13-724, 18-12-105, 18-12-214
Final Act (05/06/2024): 18-12-105.5, 1-13-724, 18-12-105, 18-12-214
Signed Act (05/31/2024): 18-12-105.5, 1-13-724, 18-12-105, 18-12-214