Currently, critical access hospitals must be licensed as general hospitals under state law.
The act:
Authorizes the department of public health and environment (department) to license critical access hospitals separately from general hospitals;
On and after July 1, 2026, prohibits a person from operating a critical access hospital without a critical access hospital license; and
Requires the state board of health to promulgate rules concerning the licensure of critical access hospitals.
The act appropriates $45,722 from the general fund to the department for administration and operations management. From that appropriation, $12,285 is reappropriated to the office of the governor for use by the office of information technology to provide services to the department.
APPROVED by Governor June 6, 2024
PORTIONS EFFECTIVE July 1, 2026(Note: This summary applies to this bill as enacted.)

Statutes affected:
Final Act (05/05/2024): 25-3-101, 5-3-501, 5-4-402.4, 5-4-402.8