The act requires the judicial department to collect, compile, and publish online, on a monthly basis, aggregate residential eviction data for all forcible entry and detainer actions filed in each county in the immediately preceding month. The judicial department shall make individual case level residential eviction data available upon request from a qualified entity.
The act requires the complaint for an eviction action to be filed using a standard form that is available through the judicial department's website and include the street address and the zip code; except that a court must accept a complaint that does not use the standardized form if the complaint meets the requirements of this section.
For the 2024-25 state fiscal year, the act appropriates $136,122 from the general fund to the judicial department for use by courts administration.
APPROVED by Governor May 31, 2024
EFFECTIVE May 31, 2024(Note: This summary applies to this bill as enacted.)
Statutes affected: Final Act (05/09/2024): 13-40-110