On or before September 1, 2025, the board of veterinary medicine (board) is required to promulgate rules establishing certain tasks that a licensed veterinarian may delegate to veterinary technicians and veterinary technician specialists and the recommended level of supervision for the tasks.
A licensed veterinarian may delegate tasks pursuant to the board's rules after first establishing a veterinarian-client-patient relationship with an animal or group of animals and the owner of the animal or animals. The licensed veterinarian is required to provide an appropriate level of supervision of the veterinary technician or veterinary technician specialist in accordance with applicable rules of the board. If there are not applicable rules related to the specific task that is being delegated, the veterinarian may delegate the task based on the assessment of the veterinary medical care being provided, the experience, education, and training of the person providing the care, and in compliance with all state and federal laws.
Beginning on January 1, 2026, the act authorizes a veterinary technician to apply to the board to receive a veterinary technician specialist designation as part of the veterinary technician's registration, grants title protection for veterinary technician specialists, and prohibits the unauthorized practice as a veterinary technician specialist by a person who does not have a veterinary technician specialist designation.
APPROVED by Governor March 22, 2024
EFFECTIVE August 7, 2024(Note: This summary applies to this bill as enacted.)

Statutes affected:
Final Act (03/13/2024): 12-315-104, 12-315-105, 12-315-106, 12-315-110, 12-315-112, 12-315-201, 12-315-206, 12-315-207