The act requires school personnel to address a student by the student's chosen name and to use the student's chosen name in school and during extracurricular activities.
The act deems it discriminatory to knowingly or intentionally use a name other than the student's chosen name or knowingly or intentionally avoiding or refusing to use a student's chosen name, unless done at the request of the student.
The act allows a student who is subject to discrimination as a result of a failure or refusal to address the student by the student's chosen name to file a report with the school or a federal civil rights complaint.
The act requires a school to implement a written policy outlining how the school will honor a student's request to use a chosen name.
APPROVED by Governor April 29, 2024
EFFECTIVE April 29, 2024(Note: This summary applies to this bill as enacted.)

Statutes affected:
Preamended PA1 (02/16/2024): 22-2-117, 22-32-109, 22-32-110, 22-38-104, 22-63-206, 24-34-301
Preamended PA2 (03/26/2024): 22-2-117
Engrossed (02/23/2024): 22-2-117, 22-32-109, 22-38-104, 24-34-301
Reengrossed (03/01/2024): 22-2-117, 22-32-109, 22-38-104, 24-34-301
Revised (03/28/2024): 22-2-117
Rerevised (04/01/2024): 22-2-117
Final Act (04/16/2024): 22-2-117
Signed Act (04/29/2024): 22-2-117