The act reclassifies various criminal offenses that are currently a felony to a different felony or misdemeanor level. The act changes the elements of some crimes to align with the new sentencing classifications.
The act appropriates $32,170 from the general fund to the judicial department for probation programs and services and for capital outlay.
APPROVED by Governor June 1, 2023
EFFECTIVE October 1, 2023 (Note: This summary applies to this bill as enacted.)

Statutes affected:
Signed Act (06/02/2023): 13-10-126, 16-8-115, 18-3-203, 18-3-302, 18-4-102, 18-4-104, 18-4-202, 18-4-203, 18-4-408, 18-4-412, 18-4-503, 18-4-504, 18-5-102, 18-5-109, 18-5-113, 18-5-211, 18-5-706, 18-5-902, 18-5-903, 18-8-112, 18-8-208.2, 18-8-211, 18-8-303, 18-8-307, 18-8-402, 18-8-609, 18-8-706, 18-9-116.5, 18-9-119, 18-9-202, 18-9-204, 18-9-303, 18-9-309, 18-10-103, 18-10-105, 18-10-106, 18-12-102, 18-12-105.5, 18-12-108, 18-12-109, 18-13-104, 18-13-112, 18-13-114, 18-13-123, 18-17-103, 18-20-103, 18-20-108, 18-20-109, 18-20-111, 19-5-213.5, 24-30-1406, 39-21-118, 39-26-120, 44-20-123, 44-20-422, 44-30-821, 44-30-824, 44-30-825, 44-30-1512, 44-40-117
Final Act (05/18/2023): 13-10-126, 16-8-115, 18-3-203, 18-3-302, 18-4-102, 18-4-104, 18-4-202, 18-4-203, 18-4-408, 18-4-412, 18-4-503, 18-4-504, 18-5-102, 18-5-109, 18-5-113, 18-5-211, 18-5-706, 18-5-902, 18-5-903, 18-8-112, 18-8-208.2, 18-8-211, 18-8-303, 18-8-307, 18-8-402, 18-8-609, 18-8-706, 18-9-116.5, 18-9-119, 18-9-202, 18-9-204, 18-9-303, 18-9-309, 18-10-103, 18-10-105, 18-10-106, 18-12-102, 18-12-105.5, 18-12-108, 18-12-109, 18-13-104, 18-13-112, 18-13-114, 18-13-123, 18-17-103, 18-20-103, 18-20-108, 18-20-109, 18-20-111, 19-5-213.5, 24-30-1406, 39-21-118, 39-26-120, 44-20-123, 44-20-422, 44-30-821, 44-30-824, 44-30-825, 44-30-1512, 44-40-117