The act expands the necessary referral services authorized by the Colorado 2-1-1 collaborative (collaborative) to include necessary referrals for behavioral health services and other social service resources in the state for Coloradans, particularly for individuals who are unemployed, regardless of whether they receive benefits.The act requires the department of human services' office of behavioral health to contract with the collaborative to hire and train specialized personnel. The act also requires the office of behavioral health to collaborate with the collaborative to engage in targeted marketing and outreach, and to ensure the marketing and outreach are targeted to traditionally underserved communities, such as immigrant, low-income, and communities of color.The act also requires the collaborative to coordinate with the department of labor and employment (department) to target, conduct outreach, and market to individuals who are unemployed, regardless of whether they receive benefits, and may need referrals for behavioral health services and other social service resources. The department is required to update its unemployment application web page and specified websites to include contact information for the collaborative.For the 2020-21 state fiscal year, $1,000,000 is appropriated to the department of human services (state department) from the general fund to implement the act. Any money that is not spent before July 1, 2021 is further appropriated to the state department for the 2021-22 state fiscal year for the same purpose.For the 2021-22 state fiscal year, $5,741 is appropriated from the general fund to the department for use by the division of unemployment insurance to implement the act.(Note: This summary applies to this bill as enacted.)

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Statutes affected:
Preamended PA1 (04/27/2021): 29-11-203
Preamended PA2 (05/07/2021): 29-11-203
Introduced (04/12/2021): 29-11-203
Engrossed (05/07/2021): 29-11-203
Reengrossed (05/10/2021): 29-11-203
Revised (05/28/2021): 29-11-203
Rerevised (06/01/2021): 29-11-203
Final Act (06/09/2021): 29-11-203
Signed Act (06/18/2021): 29-11-203