The act amends provisions related to the operation of the regional transportation district (district), including:Amending a cap on the amount of all vehicular service the district can allow to be provided by third parties under competitive contracts to be measured by platform time or its equivalent;
Expanding the types of entities the district can contract with to include nonprofit organizations and local government;
Repealing farebox recovery ratio requirements and requiring the district to include in its annual financial reports information on annual operating costs, ridership numbers, and operating costs divided by ridership as a measure of the cost efficiency of its services;
Repealing a limitation on developments that would reduce parking at a facility or result in a competitive disadvantage to private businesses near the facility; and
Repealing limitations on the district's authority to charge fees and manage parking at district parking facilities.(Note: This summary applies to this bill as enacted.)

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Statutes affected:
Preamended PA1 (04/01/2021): 32-9-119.5, 32-9-119.7, 32-9-119.8, 32-9-119.9
Introduced (03/04/2021): 32-9-119.5, 32-9-119.7, 32-9-119.8, 32-9-119.9
Engrossed (04/05/2021): 32-9-119.5, 32-9-119.7, 32-9-119.8, 32-9-119.9
Reengrossed (04/06/2021): 32-9-119.5, 32-9-119.7, 32-9-119.8, 32-9-119.9
Revised (04/30/2021): 32-9-119.5, 32-9-119.7, 32-9-119.8, 32-9-119.9
Rerevised (05/03/2021): 32-9-119.5, 32-9-119.7, 32-9-119.8, 32-9-119.9
Final Act (05/11/2021): 32-9-119.5, 32-9-119.7, 32-9-119.8, 32-9-119.9
Signed Act (None): 32-9-119.5, 32-9-119.7, 32-9-119.8, 32-9-119.9