Wildfire Matters Review Committee. Currently, certain employers of firefighters are required to maintain insurance to provide benefits to a firefighter if he or she has a heart and circulatory malfunction in connection with a stressful or strenuous activity related to an emergency response activity. In addition, certain employers of firefighters may make contributions into a multiple employer health trust established to provide benefits to volunteer firefighters diagnosed with certain covered cancers.
Beginning July 1, 2020, the bill adds the division of fire prevention and control in the department of public safety (division) to the definition of "employer" for the purpose of providing benefits for a heart and circulatory malfunction and to the definition of "employer" for the purpose of providing benefits for certain covered cancers.
In addition, beginning July 1, 2020, the bill expands the definition of "state trooper" for purposes of the public employees' retirement association to include all current and future employees of the division that are classified as a firefighter I through firefighter VII class titles.
For the 2020-21 state fiscal year, various amounts are appropriated from the general fund, cash funds, federal funds, and reappropriated funds to the department of health care policy and financing, the department of public health and environment, and the department of public safety for the implementation of the bill.
(Note: Italicized words indicate new material added to the original summary; dashes through words indicate deletions from the original summary.)
(Note: This summary applies to the reengrossed version of this bill as introduced in the second house.)

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Statutes affected:
Preamended PA1 (03/06/2020): 29-5-301, 29-5-402, 24-51-101
Introduced (01/08/2020): 29-5-301, 29-5-402, 24-51-101
Engrossed (03/10/2020): 29-5-301, 29-5-402, 24-51-101
Reengrossed (03/11/2020): 29-5-301, 29-5-402, 24-51-101