The City Council of Chicago has proposed amendments to Chapter 2-156 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, revising definitions and requirements for city officials, employees, and contractors. Notable changes include the broadening of the term "City Council contractor" from "an individual" to "a person," the expansion of "City property" to include uniforms and insignia, and the introduction of "Relative" and "Superior" definitions. The term "Prohibited political activity" has been changed to "Restricted political activity," with an expanded definition. A new requirement mandates all City employees, officials, and City Council contractors to report corrupt or unlawful activity. The ordinance also clarifies that these individuals owe a fiduciary duty to the City and prohibits them from influencing City decisions in which they have a financial interest, while allowing them to participate in negotiations related to their contractual relationship with the City.

The ordinance further addresses the unauthorized use of City property, political activities, and the solicitation of political contributions. It prohibits the use of City property for political activities and the coercion of political contributions from City officials or employees. Additionally, it modifies the rules on gifts, stating that gifts from a superior are exempt from certain restrictions and setting conditions for employee-to-employee gifts, including a $20.00 limit on voluntary contributions for gifts to superiors. The ordinance prohibits officials, employees, or City Council contractors, and their relatives, from soliciting or accepting anything of value in return for advice or assistance on city matters, with certain exceptions. The definition of "reporting individuals" has been expanded to include City Council contractors, and the ordinance outlines the proper disposition of improper gifts. It will take effect ten days after passage and publication.