The City Council of Chicago has introduced a resolution to address the impact of climate change on migration patterns, particularly focusing on how these changes affect the city of Chicago. The resolution acknowledges the global issue of climate change, which is causing extreme weather events, rising temperatures, and sea-level rise, leading to altered migration patterns as people are forced to relocate. It recognizes the potential strain on urban areas like Chicago, where an influx of climate migrants could challenge resources, housing affordability, and social cohesion. The resolution emphasizes the need for Chicago to prepare for these changes through comprehensive policies that prioritize equity and sustainability.

The resolution calls for a subject matter hearing to further explore the effects of climate-induced migration on Chicago. It aims to involve experts, advocacy groups, and community members in providing insights and recommendations for action. The City Council commits to collaborating with stakeholders to develop strategies for adapting to and mitigating the impacts of climate migration. This includes considering the establishment of a dedicated task force, as well as incorporating climate migration into the city's long-term planning in areas such as land use, infrastructure development, and emergency preparedness. The resolution also affirms the commitment to supporting communities already facing environmental injustices in Chicago.