The City Council of Chicago has passed an ordinance amending Title 2 of the Municipal Code by replacing Chapter 2-172 with new guidelines concerning transitional haven. The ordinance defines "Emergency congregate housing" as locations operated or funded by the City where individuals and families reside for more than 96 hours in a shared setting, excluding hospitals, assisted living facilities, nursing homes, community homes, sheltered care homes, homes for the aged, transitional residences, or temporary overnight shelters, unless a hotel is used by the City as a transitional shelter or similar use.

The ordinance prohibits the imposition of time limits on the length of stay for individuals or families in transitional shelters or emergency congregate housing, provided they continue to meet any applicable eligibility requirements. This prohibition is subject to federal or state law preemption, conflicts with federal or state grant agreements, or court orders. Any previous time limits imposed before the effective date of this ordinance are repealed and rendered void. The ordinance is effective immediately upon passage.