The Political Reform Act of 1974 provides for the comprehensive regulation of political campaigns, lobbying, and other matters relating to governmental ethics and elections. The act is an initiative measure that authorizes the Legislature to amend its provisions by enactment of a bill by a 23 vote of each house if that bill furthers the act's purposes and, at least 8 days before passage, or at least 12 days before passage if the previous form of the bill did not amend the act, the bill in its final form has been delivered to the Fair Political Practices Commission for distribution to the news media and every person who has requested a copy from the commission. The act requires the Legislative Counsel, through a specified electronic system, to allow the public to sign up to receive an email alert any time a bill that would amend the act is, among other things, introduced, amended, referred to the floor or committee, or voted on.
This bill would eliminate the requirement that a bill amending the act must be delivered to the commission for distribution to the news media and every person who has requested a copy, instead requiring an otherwise proper amendment of the act to be printed, distributed to the Members of the Legislature, and published on the internet. The bill would declare that it furthers the purposes of the act.

Statutes affected:
SB 852: 81012 GOV
02/27/25 - Introduced: 81012 GOV