(1) Existing law specifies the duties of the Secretary of Food and Agriculture and county agricultural commissioners with respect to the sale and control of nursery stock, as defined. Existing law requires a person to hold a valid license in order to sell nursery stock.
Existing law establishes the California Grape Rootstock Improvement Commission to maintain and regulate grape rootstock in the state.
This bill would authorize the secretary, after investigation and hearing, to refuse to issue or renew a license, or to suspend or revoke a license, if the secretary determines that the licensee or the applicant has violated specified provisions relating to the California Grape Rootstock Improvement Commission.
(2) Existing law establishes the California Avocado Commission to efficiently develop and manage the marketing of avocados and provides requirements for membership to the commission, including for alternate members, as specified.
The bill would, among other things, expand specified provisions regarding membership to the commission to alternate members, require the assessment established by the commission to be as a fixed rate or percentage of value rather than as solely a fixed rate, and require any remaining assessment funds to be distributed for the benefit of the avocado industry into any state or federal programs in the event of termination or suspension of the commission.
(3) Existing law establishes the California Apple Commission to efficiently develop and manage the marketing of apples, as specified. Existing law authorizes the commission to recommend to the secretary the adoption of maturity standards authorized pursuant to the California Marketing Act of 1937, as specified.
This bill would authorize the California Apple Commission to recommend to the secretary quality standards and product labeling standards, and to engage in any other activity, authorized by California Marketing Act of 1937.
(4) Existing law establishes the Olive Oil Commission of California to efficiently develop and manage the marketing of olive oil, as specified. Existing law defines the terms "handler" and "producer" for purposes of these provisions.
This bill would specify that "handler" and "producer" include persons that toll process olives for olive oil. The bill would define "toll processor" for purposes of these provisions, as specified.