Existing law, Planning and Zoning Law, authorizes the legislative body of any city or county to adopt ordinances, as specified, that, among other things, regulate the use of buildings, structures, and land as between industry, business, residences, open space, including agriculture, recreation, enjoyment of scenic beauty, use of natural resources, and other purposes.
Existing law, the California Emergency Services Act (CESA) , among other things, authorizes the Governor to proclaim a state of emergency. During a state of emergency, the CESA authorizes the Governor to enter into a purchase, lease, or other arrangement with any agency of the United States for housing units to be occupied by disaster victims and to make those units available to any political subdivision for that purpose.
This bill would state the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation to better align community emergency response and land use planning in areas susceptible to natural disasters to ensure public safety.