Existing law, the Planning and Zoning Law, requires a city or county to adopt a general plan for the land use and development of the county or city that includes, among other things, a housing element. Existing law requires each local government to review its housing element as frequently as appropriate to evaluate, among other things, the appropriateness of the housing goals, objectives, and policies in contributing to the attainment of the state housing goal.
Existing law requires the Department of Housing and Community Development, for the fourth and subsequent revisions of a housing element, to determine the existing and projected need for housing for each region in accordance with specified requirements. Existing law requires the appropriate council of governments, or, for cities and counties without a council of governments, the department, to adopt a final regional housing need allocation plan that allocates a share of the regional housing need to each city, county, or city and county at least one year prior to the scheduled revision of a housing element, as specified.
This bill would state the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation to ensure post-disaster recovery, local environmental conditions, and climate change impacts are appropriately considered during regional housing need allocations.