Existing law requires the Commission on Teacher Credentialing to establish standards for the issuance and renewal of credentials, certificates, and permits. Existing law requires, as a minimum requirement for a preliminary multiple subject, single subject, or education specialist teaching credential, the satisfactory completion of a program of professional preparation, as specified.
This bill would, upon appropriation by the Legislature for this purpose, require the commission, on or before July 1, 2026, to convene a workgroup composed of current classroom teachers and other representatives, as specified, to recommend measures to develop and establish efficient routes for (1) teacher candidates to obtain a multiple subject or single subject credential and an education specialist credential, known as dual credentialing, as provided, and (2) existing teachers who only have a multiple subject or single subject credential to obtain an education specialist credential. The bill would require the commission, on or before December 31, 2026, to provide a report of the workgroup's findings and recommendations, as provided. The bill would repeal these provisions as of January 1, 2029.