Existing law, the California Ocean Resources Stewardship Act of 2000, finds that it is the policy of the state to, among other things, ensure adequate coordination of ocean resources management science among state, regional, and federal agencies and marine science institutions, as provided.
This bill would require the State Water Resources Control Board, regional water quality control boards, and the Department of Pesticide Regulation to suspend enforcement of their regulations relating to copper-based antifouling paint, as specified, until certain requirements are satisfied, including that the board and the department collaborate to determine the best methods to regulate the use of copper-based antifouling paint within the state, and the board, the department, and regional water quality control boards agree on and release guidelines that provide for the uniform enforcement of the copper-based antifouling paint regulations throughout the state. The bill would provide that, until the end of the suspension of the enforcement of those regulations, all boats that are painted with a copper-based antifouling paint that is approved by the department are considered to be in compliance with any regulation relating to copper-based antifouling paint.