Office of Senate Floor Analyses
(916) 651-1520 Fax: (916) 327-4478
Bill No: SR 15
Author: Ochoa Bogh (R), et al.
Introduced: 2/6/25
Vote: Majority
SUBJECT: “2-1-1” Information and Referral Service
SOURCE: Author
DIGEST: This resolution proclaims the month of February 2025 as 2-1-1 Month
and the day of February 11, 2025 as 2-1-1 Day to promote and strengthen the 2-1-1
service in providing Californians with free and confidential referrals to needed
ANALYSIS: This resolution makes the following legislative findings:
1) 2-1-1 is a trusted information and referral service that provides individuals
across the state with connections to community, health, and disaster-related
services. By dialing an easy-to-remember three-digit code, known as 2-1-1,
Californians can speak with highly trained staff 24 hours per day, 365 days per
year and receive real-time assistance in over 150 languages.
2) The 2-1-1 service is operated by 26 local nonprofit organizations serving the
entire state, is available through telephone, SMS texting, and the internet, and is
tailored to provide people of all income levels, languages, and cultural
backgrounds with unique resources specific to their concerns and geographic
3) The 2-1-1 service provides emergency operation resources during times of
natural and other disasters, including providing accurate and timely information
for preparations and long-term referrals for follow up services, as evidenced by
its role in supporting the Office of Emergency Services during annual wildfires,
floods, and other natural disasters.
4) During the recent devastating wildfires in the Los Angeles area, 2-1-1 call
specialists displayed professionalism and dedication as they handled an influx
SR 15
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of calls from Californians seeking information about evacuation routes,
recovery aid, housing resources, and other pressing issues.
This resolution commits to supporting the 2-1-1 service and infrastructure so that
all Californians have equitable access to this critical service that provides resource
connections regarding support for poverty, housing, family and children, aging and
disability, health equity, and disasters.
Related/Prior Legislation
SR 66 (Newman, 2024) – Adopted in Senate.
SB 318 (Ochoa Bogh, 2024) – Held at Senate Desk.
AB 3020 (Reyes, 2024) – Held in Assembly Appropriations Committee.
FISCAL EFFECT: Appropriation: No Fiscal Com.: No Local: No
SUPPORT: (Verified 2/12/25)
None received
OPPOSITION: (Verified 2/12/25)
None received
Prepared by: Hunter Flynn / SFA / (916) 651-1520
2/14/25 15:42:07
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