Existing law provides for the creation by local ordinance, or by ministerial approval if a local agency has not adopted an ordinance, of accessory dwelling units in areas zoned for single-family or multifamily dwelling residential use in accordance with specified standards and conditions. The California Coastal Act of 1976, which is administered by the California Coastal Commission, requires any person wishing to perform or undertake any development in the coastal zone, as defined, to obtain a coastal development permit from a local government or the commission, except as provided. Existing law specifies that the above-described provisions governing accessory dwelling units do not supersede or in any way alter or lessen the effect or application of the California Coastal Act of 1976, except as specified.
This bill would exempt the construction of an accessory dwelling unit located within the County of Los Angeles, and in any county that is subject to a proclamation of a state of emergency made by the Governor on or after February 1, 2025, from the need to obtain a coastal development permit, as specified.
This bill would make legislative findings and declarations as to the necessity of a special statute for the County of Los Angeles.
The bill would include findings that changes proposed by this bill address a matter of statewide concern rather than a municipal affair and, therefore, apply to all cities, including charter cities.
This bill would declare that it is to take effect immediately as an urgency statute.
Statutes affected: AB 462: 66329 GOV
02/06/25 - Introduced: 66329 GOV