CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE— 2025 – 2026 1st Ext.

Assembly Bill No. 15

Introduced by Assembly Member Essayli

February 03 ,  2025

An act to amend the Budget Act of 2024 (Chs. 22, 35, and 994, Stats. 2024), by amending Section 99.50 of, and by adding Section 5.27 to, that act, relating to the state budget, and making an appropriation therefor, to take effect immediately, budget bill.


AB15, as introduced, Essayli . Budget Act of 2024.
The Budget Act of 2024 made appropriations for the support of state government for the 2024–25 fiscal year.
This bill would amend the Budget Act of 2024 by making changes to existing appropriations, as provided.
This bill would declare that it is to take effect immediately as a Budget Bill.
Vote: MAJORITY   Appropriation: YES   Fiscal Committee: YES   Local Program: NO  

The people of the State of California do enact as follows:


 Section 5.27 is added to the Budget Act of 2024, to read:

SEC. 5.27.

 Notwithstanding any other law, funds allocated or augmented for the purpose of grants, contracts, or state operations as items of appropriation in Section 2.00 shall not be used to obstruct or interfere with federal enforcement actions or legal proceedings against individuals convicted of a felony who are present in the United States in violation of federal immigration laws. This restriction includes, but is not limited to, expenditures on litigation, administrative actions, or any other measures intended to shield such individuals from federal apprehension or deportation.

SEC. 2.

 Section 99.50 of the Budget Act of 2024 is amended to read:


SEC. 99.50.

 The following is an index to the general sections of this act. These sections serve to define terms and identify restrictions concerning the appropriations contained in this act.
 Budget Act Citation
 Intent and Format
 Citations to Prior Budget Acts
 Availability of Appropriations
 Items of Appropriation
 Defines Purposes of Appropriations
 Subschedule Transfers for Capital Projects
 Benefit Charges Against Salaries and Wages
 Contribution to Public Employees’ Retirement Benefits
 Contribution to Prefund Other Postemployment Benefits
 Budget Adjustment Authority
 Position Vacancy Report
 Vacant Position Savings
 AB 85 Repayments to Counties
 Contribution to Public Employees’ Contingency Reserve  Fund
 Lease-Revenue Payment Adjustments
 Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure
 Statewide Surcharge
 State Public Works Board Interim Financing
 Architectural Revolving Fund Transfer
 Inmate and Ward Construction Revolving Account Transfer
 Attorney’s Fees
 Restrictions Relating to Federal Immigration Enforcement
 Project Alterations Limits
 Antiterrorism Federal Reimbursements
 Federal Funds Receipts
 Federal Funds Accounts
 Federal Reimbursements
 Notice of Federal Audits
 Enforce Recovery of Federal Funds for Statewide Indirect  Costs
 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act
 Federal Levy of State Funds
 Minor Capital Outlay Projects
 Information Technology Reporting Requirements
 Reporting of Statewide Software License Agreements
 Privacy of Information in Pay Stubs
 Disaster Response-Emergency Operations Account  Reconciliation Adjustments
 Federal American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Home and  Community-Based Services Funding
 Coronavirus Fiscal Relief
 State Appropriation Limit Excludable Federal Fund  Appropriations for Capital Outlay
 State Appropriations Limit (SAL)
 Special Fund for Economic Uncertainties
 Proposition 98-Funding Guarantee
 Financial Aid Policy Change Requirements