Existing law, the Medical Practice Act, establishes the Medical Board of California for the licensure and regulation of physicians and surgeons. Existing law, the Osteopathic Act, establishes the Osteopathic Medical Board of California for the licensure and regulation of osteopathic physicians and surgeons. Those boards are required to adopt and administer standards, including for the continuing education of those licensees, and each licensee is required to demonstrate satisfaction of the continuing education requirements at specified intervals and as a condition for renewal of a license.
This bill would require the Medical Board of California and the Osteopathic Medical Board of California to develop and administer to a licensed physician and surgeon as part of the license renewal process certain menopause training surveys. The bill would require the boards to determine the format of the surveys, which would be conducted anonymously, as prescribed. The bill would prohibit the boards from denying an application for license renewal solely on the basis that the applicant failed to complete a survey.