Existing law authorizes the governing body with jurisdiction over school buildings or other public buildings, as defined, to allow its buildings to be used for polling places, or for vote centers, beginning up to 10 days before the election and continuing through election day, or to store voting machines and other vote-tabulating devices. Once a governing body has approved the use of a building as a polling place or vote center, existing law requires the governing body to instruct the school district or other public administrator to provide the elections official a site with an adequate amount of space that will allow the precinct board or vote center to perform its duties.
This bill would require the governing body to instruct the school district or other public administrator to provide the elections official with an adequate amount of space for voting operations and storage of associated supplies.
Existing law requires the district administrator to make building parking available at no charge to the precinct or vote center board and voters, as specified.
This bill would require the district administrator to also make accessible parking spaces and parking for assisting voters curbside available, if requested by the elections official.
Statutes affected: AB 287: 12283 ELEC
01/22/25 - Introduced: 12283 ELEC