Existing law establishes, under the Medi-Cal program, certain time and distance standards for specified Medi-Cal managed care covered services, consistent with federal regulations relating to network adequacy standards, to ensure that those services, including certain specialty care, are available and accessible to enrollees of Medi-Cal managed care plans in a timely manner. Existing law sets forth other timely access requirements for health care service plans and health insurers, including with regard to referrals to a specialist.
Existing law establishes various health professions development programs, within the Department of Health Care Access and Information, for the promotion of education, training, and recruitment of health professionals to address workforce shortage and distribution needs. Existing law sets forth various provisions for the authorized use of telehealth in the delivery of health care services.
This bill would, subject to an appropriation, require the California Health and Human Services Agency, in collaboration with the Department of Health Care Access and Information and the State Department of Health Care Services, to establish a demonstration project for a telehealth and other virtual services specialty care network that is designed to serve patients of safety-net providers consisting of qualifying providers, defined to include, among others, rural health clinics and community health centers. The bill would authorize the focus of the project to include increasing access to behavioral and maternal health services and additional specialties prioritized by the agency. The bill would state the intent of the Legislature that implementation of the demonstration project would facilitate compliance with any applicable network adequacy standards.
The bill would require the demonstration project to include a grant program to award funding to grantees, as defined, that meet specified conditions relating to specialist networks and health information technology. Under the bill, the purpose of the grant program would be to achieve certain objectives, including, among others, reducing structural barriers to access experienced by patients, improving cost-effectiveness, and optimizing utilization. The bill would require a grantee to evaluate its performance on the objectives and to submit a report of its findings to the agency.