Existing law establishes within the Governor's office the Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development, also known as "GO-Biz," to serve the Governor as the lead entity for economic strategy and the marketing of California on issues relating to business development, private sector investment, and economic growth.
This bill would create the Fusion Research and Development Innovation Hub Program within GO-Biz to accelerate the development and growth of fusion energy by advancing fusion science and technology with the goal of delivering the world's first fusion energy pilot plant in the state by 2040. The bill would require, among other things, GO-Biz to designate fusion research and development innovation hubs considering certain factors for advancing research and development diversity, including a network of hubs in geographically diverse regions that reflects the distribution of California's diverse workforce and energy needs.
This bill would require GO-Biz to administer the program using moneys in the Fusion Research and Development Fund, which the bill would establish in the State Treasury, to provide grants to hubs designated pursuant to the bill for the purpose of accelerating the deployment of new research and technology capabilities that support the commercialization of fusion energy. The bill would make its provisions operative only upon an appropriation by the Legislature in a Budget Act to the fund for the purpose of administering the program.