Office of Senate Floor Analyses
(916) 651-1520 Fax: (916) 327-4478
Bill No: SR 10
Author: Wahab (D), Ashby (D) and Rubio (D), et al.
Introduced: 1/9/25
Vote: Majority
SUBJECT: Foster Youth Awareness Month
SOURCE: Author
DIGEST: This resolution designates the month of May 2025 as Foster Youth
Awareness Month.
ANALYSIS: This resolution makes the following legislative findings:
1) Nearly 100 times per day, a child is placed in foster care in California.
2) An estimated 53% of youth in foster care in 2023–24 are removed from families
who meet the 1996 federal Aid to Families with Dependent Children eligibility
3) California has over 40,000 children in the foster care system, and the
proportions of Black and Native youth in foster care are around four times
larger than the proportions of Black and Native youth in California overall.
4) One-half of all children in foster care have endured four or more adverse
childhood experiences such as abuse, neglect, and abandonment, which can
negatively impact their health and development.
5) Research indicates foster youth experience rates of homelessness ranging from
11% to 38%, inclusive, disproportionately higher than that of the general
6) In California, 93% of foster youth say they want to attend college, but only four
% of former foster youth will obtain their bachelor’s degree by 26 years of age,
compared to 50 % of their peers.
SR 10
Page 2
7) California must ensure the success of foster family agencies, support counties in
providing quality care, services, and resources to children and youth, and ensure
foster parents are up to the task of providing trauma-informed care
This resolution designates the month of May 2025 as Foster Youth Awareness
Related/Prior Legislation
SCR 147 (Ashby, Resolution Chapter 121, Statutes of 2024)
SCR 65 (Ashby, Resolution Chapter 102, Statutes of 2023)
FISCAL EFFECT: Appropriation: No Fiscal Com.: No Local: No
SUPPORT: (Verified 1/17/25)
None received
OPPOSITION: (Verified 1/17/25)
None received
Prepared by: Hunter Flynn / SFA / (916) 651-1520
1/22/25 13:43:13
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