HR 1
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HR 1 (Pacheco)
As Introduced December 2, 2024
Majority vote
Adopts the Standing Rules of the Assembly for the 2025-26 Regular Session.
Major Provisions
The following changes were made from the previous sessions house rules:
1) Revises the general officers of the Assembly and makes the Chaplain an appointee of the
2) Reduces the number of standing committees to 32 and changes the name of the Jobs,
Economic Development, and the Economy Committee to the Economic Development,
Growth, and Household Impact Committee.
3) Clarifies the requirements for the organization of party caucuses to provide the leaders of
each party greater discretion and flexibility.
4) Clarifies the Speaker's ability to determine the most efficient order of business for Floor
Session, excluding any Special Orders of Business, to avoid unnecessary delays on the Floor.
5) Clarifies the Adjourn in Memory criteria and approval process, consistent with existing
policies and procedures.
6) Reduces the number of bills a Member may introduce in the regular session to 35 bills.
7) Clarifies that Budget Committee may meet at any time, provided the hearing complies with
file notice requirements.
8) Clarifies the process for Floor amendments to allow bills to be amended more efficiently,
including amendments on a non-legislative day, making amended bills available to the public
sooner. Preserves the floor process for consideration of amendments not approved by the
specified committee chairperson.
9) Updates the language for bills amending the Political Reform Act, to make it consistent with
existing statutory requirements.
10) Allows a bill to be removed from consent by an author or floor manager on any legislative
day, including a check-in session day, by submitting a written request to the Chief Clerk,
Speaker, and Republican Leader.
11) Removes the unnecessary one-day wait requirement for Assembly bills on concurrence,
which have already complied with the constitutional 72-hour requirement prior to that vote.
12) Clarifies the process for moving a bill to the inactive file, and allows a bill to be moved to the
inactive file by a motion adopted without debate by a majority of those Members present and
HR 1
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13) Clarifies that budget related-bills may be withdrawn from committee without a rules
suspension, while retaining the vote requirement if there is a timely objection.
14) Codifies the longstanding process for use of props or any visual aid on the Assembly Floor,
and prohibits framed resolutions or certificates on the Assembly Floor without prior
15) Permits a staff person designated by the Speaker to approach the rostrum to confer with the
presiding officer when appropriate during Floor session.
16) Revises the language regarding appropriate professional business attire on the Floor of the
Assembly during any session.
17) Clarifies that placards, displays, banners, and signs are not allowed in the Assembly Gallery.
18) Makes a number of other technical and nonsubstantive changes.
Historically, the Legislature introduces resolutions to organize the House at the beginning of
each legislative session. The rule changes in HR 1 will allow the Assembly to ensure decorum in
all legislative proceedings, and operate smoothly and efficiently.
Existing law requires the Legislature to convene and organize at Noon on the first Monday in
December of each even-numbered year.
According to the Author
Arguments in Support
None on file
Arguments in Opposition
None on file
No fiscal impact. This resolution is keyed non-fiscal by Legislative Counsel.
VERSION: December 2, 2024
CONSULTANT: Michael Erke / RLS. / (916) 319-2800 FN: 0000003