Office of Senate Floor Analyses
(916) 651-1520 Fax: (916) 327-4478
Bill No: SR 104
Author: Padilla (D), et al.
Introduced: 7/3/24
Vote: Majority
SUBJECT: California-Mexico Advocacy Day
SOURCE: Author
DIGEST: This resolution acknowledges the 15th anniversary of California-
Mexico Advocacy Day.
ANALYSIS: This resolution makes the following legislative findings:
1) California shares over 140 miles with Mexico and the California-Mexico border
is the busiest land border crossing in the world and is considered one of
California’s top goods entry points.
2) Trade with Mexico supports nearly 5,000,000 United States jobs and more than
500,000 California jobs.
3) As an acknowledgment of the importance of the California-Mexico
relationship, the Senate of the State of California, through the Select Senate
Committee on California-Mexico Cooperation and Dialogue, the Consulate
General of Mexico in Sacramento, and the California Chamber of Commerce,
has annually organized California-Mexico Advocacy Day.
4) California-Mexico Advocacy Day provides a forum where political, business,
and academic actors from both countries discuss topics of interest in the
bilateral relationship, presenting recommendations for public policy
5) Topics of discussion have included issues impacting the California-Mexico
border region from public health to cross-border pollution. The flow of goods
and people across the border is critical to the state’s success, and discussions
that improve bilateral cooperation will bolster economic growth and prosperity.
SR 104
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This resolution acknowledges the 15th anniversary of California-Mexico
Advocacy Day.
Mexico Advocacy Day is an event organized annually by the Select Committee on
California-Mexico Cooperation and Dialogue of the California Senate, the
Consulate General of Mexico in Sacramento, and the California Chamber of
Commerce (CalChamber). It provides a forum where political, business, and
academic actors from both countries discuss topics of interest in the bilateral
relationship, presenting recommendations for public policy development. For 15
years, California-Mexico Advocacy Day has focused on topics of discussion from
issues including education and the economy. This resolution is commemorating
the fifteenth anniversary of California-Mexico Advocacy Day where the discussion
will center on “Building An Agenda with a Gender Perspective through Bilateral
Cooperation between Mexico and California” to mark the historic election of the
first woman President of Mexico.
According to the author:
California’s relationship with Mexico is more than just geographic
coincidence - Our cultures and our economies share a history that goes back
generations. This unique partnership is at the very heart of this region. We
celebrate our binational link and relish the many opportunities it provides.
California-Mexico Advocacy Day is a time for us to recognize the many
accomplishments we have achieved together and further discussions towards
our future successes.
FISCAL EFFECT: Appropriation: No Fiscal Com.: No Local: No
SUPPORT: (Verified 8/6/24)
None received
OPPOSITION: (Verified 8/6/24)
None received
Prepared by: Holly Hummelt / SFA / (916) 651-1520
8/7/24 14:34:52
SR 104
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