Office of Senate Floor Analyses
(916) 651-1520 Fax: (916) 327-4478
Bill No: SR 100
Author: Caballero (D), et al.
Introduced: 6/4/24
Vote: Majority
SUBJECT: Native American Women Equal Pay Day
SOURCE: Author
DIGEST: This resolution proclaims November 30, 2024, as Native American
Women Equal Pay Day in California in recognition of the need to eliminate the
gender gap in earnings by Native American women and encourages employers and
governments to take steps to ensure equitable compensation for Native American
women in the workforce and to promote policies to ensure equal pay for all.
ANALYSIS: This resolution makes the following legislative findings:
1) According to statistics released by the National Women’s Law Center in 2024,
Native American women on average make just $0.59 on the dollar for
equivalent work compared to their White, male counterparts. This gap in pay
typically amounts to a loss of $2,396 every month or $28,747 every year for
Native American women.
2) Unlike women from other groups, the wage gap actually increases with Native
American women’s education levels and exists across occupations. Native
American women with a bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, or doctorate
degree stand to lose roughly $1,500,000 to the wage gap over a 40-year career.
3) Native American women in urban areas make less than their rural and
reservation community counterparts. This wage gap is tribewide and statewide
as no Native American women community makes more than $0.69 for every
dollar made by White, non-Hispanic men.
This resolution proclaims November 30, 2024, as Native American Women Equal
Pay Day in California in recognition of the need to eliminate the gender gap in
earnings by Native American women and encourages employers and governments
SR 100
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to take steps to ensure equitable compensation for Native American women in the
workforce and to promote policies to ensure equal pay for all.
FISCAL EFFECT: Appropriation: No Fiscal Com.: No Local: No
SUPPORT: (Verified 6/10/24)
None received
OPPOSITION: (Verified 6/10/24)
None received
Prepared by: Russell Manning / SFA / (916) 651-1520
6/12/24 14:36:49
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