(1) The California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) administers various taxes, fees, and surcharges, including, among others, the Sales and Use Tax Law, the Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax Law, the Use Fuel Tax Law, the Cigarette and Tobacco Products Tax Law, the Timber Yield Tax Law, the Energy Resources Surcharge Law, the Emergency Telephone Users Surcharge Act, the Hazardous Substances Tax Law, the Integrated Waste Management Fee Law, the Oil Spill Response, Prevention, and Administration Fees Law, the Underground Storage Tank Maintenance Fee Law, the Diesel Fuel Tax Law, and various taxes and fees collected in accordance with the Fee Collections Procedures Law.
Existing law authorizes the CDTFA, for purposes of the laws described above, if it is not satisfied with a return or the amount required to be paid to the state by specified taxpayers and feepayers, to compute and determine the amount required to be paid, as specified. Existing law requires the CDTFA to give taxpayers or feepayers written notice of its determination and serve the notice in specified manners, including by personal service.
This bill would additionally authorize the CDTFA to serve the above-described notice by delivering the notice electronically via secure transmission in specified circumstances. The bill would make conforming changes to these provisions.
(2) Existing law, the Alcoholic Beverage Tax Law, administered by the State Board of Equalization (BOE) , imposes an excise tax upon all beer and wine sold in this state, as provided, on beer manufacturers, winegrowers, importers, or sellers of beer or wine that sell beer or wine on which no tax has been paid. That law authorizes the BOE, if it is not satisfied with a return or the amount required to be paid to the state by a taxpayer, to compute and determine the amount required to be paid, as specified. Existing law requires the BOE to give taxpayers written notice of its determination and serve the notice in specified manners, including by personal service.
This bill would authorize the BOE to serve the above-described notice by delivering the notice electronically via secure transmission in specified circumstances. The bill would make additional conforming changes related to these provisions.
(3) Existing law, the Sales and Use Tax Law, imposes on any person who knowingly collects sales tax reimbursement or use tax, and who fails to timely remit that sales tax reimbursement or use tax to the CDTFA, a penalty of 40% of the amount not timely remitted. Existing law exempts from that penalty any person whose liability for the unremitted sales tax reimbursement or use tax averages $1,000 or less per month or does not exceed 5% of the total amount of tax liability for which the tax reimbursement was collected for the period in which tax was due, as specified.
This bill, for determinations made on or after January 1, 2025, would instead exempt from that penalty any person whose liability for the unremitted sales tax reimbursement or use tax averages $1,500 or less per month or does not exceed 25% of the total amount of tax liability for which the tax reimbursement was collected for the period in which tax was due.
(4) The Sales and Use Tax Law provides that, under specified circumstances, the State Board of Equalization may require any person whose sales and use tax liability exceeds a specified amount to prepay that tax liability.
This bill would authorize the CDTFA, in its discretion, to relieve any person from the requirements to make prepayments, as described above, if specified conditions apply.
(5) The Hazardous Substances Tax Law requires a generator of hazardous waste to pay to the CDTFA a generation and handling fee for each generator site, as defined, that generates hazardous waste, as specified. That law imposes various penalties, including a penalty for failure to pay and a fee for failure to pay timely.
This bill would clarify that audit determinations are excluded from the calculation of any penalties for failure to pay timely.
(6) This bill would also make various technical and conforming changes, and would update references to the State Board of Equalization to instead refer to the CDTFA.

Statutes affected:
SB1528: 6486 RTC, 6487 RTC, 6487.05 RTC, 6487.06 RTC, 6487.1 RTC, 6487.2 RTC, 6487.3 RTC, 6488 RTC, 6515 RTC, 6539 RTC, 6566 RTC, 6597 RTC, 6701 RTC, 6829 RTC, 6964 RTC, 7671 RTC, 7675 RTC, 7675.1 RTC, 7676 RTC, 8174 RTC, 8781 RTC, 8782 RTC, 8782.1 RTC, 8783 RTC, 8805 RTC, 8829 RTC, 8853 RTC, 8855 RTC, 8951 RTC, 9184 RTC, 12951 RTC, 12977 RTC, 30206 RTC, 30207 RTC, 30207.1 RTC, 30208 RTC, 30225 RTC, 30243 RTC, 30244 RTC, 30263 RTC, 30265 RTC, 30384 RTC, 32202 RTC, 32271 RTC, 32272 RTC, 32272.1 RTC, 32273 RTC, 32291 RTC, 32306 RTC, 32312 RTC, 32387 RTC, 32432.5 RTC, 32452 RTC, 38416 RTC, 38417 RTC, 38418 RTC, 38419 RTC, 38425 RTC, 38434 RTC, 38447 RTC, 38501 RTC, 38624 RTC, 40005 RTC, 40076 RTC, 40077 RTC, 40078 RTC, 40079 RTC, 40085 RTC, 40097 RTC, 41075 RTC, 41076 RTC, 41077 RTC, 41078 RTC, 41084 RTC, 41091 RTC, 43007 RTC, 43155.01 RTC, 43201 RTC, 43201.01 RTC, 43202 RTC, 43203 RTC, 43204 RTC, 43307 RTC, 43351 RTC, 43484 RTC, 43507.5 RTC, 45007 RTC, 45201 RTC, 45202 RTC, 45203 RTC, 45307 RTC, 45352 RTC, 45752 RTC, 46009 RTC, 46202 RTC, 46203 RTC, 46204 RTC, 46205 RTC, 46255 RTC, 46302 RTC, 46357 RTC, 46544 RTC, 50106 RTC, 50113 RTC, 50113.1 RTC, 50113.2 RTC, 50120 RTC, 50120.2 RTC, 50150.5 RTC, 55061 RTC, 55062 RTC, 55063 RTC, 55064 RTC, 55087 RTC, 55102 RTC, 55262.5 RTC, 60311 RTC, 60315 RTC, 60316 RTC, 60317 RTC, 60340 RTC, 60564 RTC
03/19/24 - Introduced: 6486 RTC, 6539 RTC, 6597 RTC, 7671 RTC, 8781 RTC, 8829 RTC, 30206 RTC, 30244 RTC, 38416 RTC, 38434 RTC, 40005 RTC, 40076 RTC, 41075 RTC, 43007 RTC, 43201 RTC, 43351 RTC, 45007 RTC, 45201 RTC, 46009 RTC, 46202 RTC, 46302 RTC, 50106 RTC, 50108 RTC, 50113 RTC, 50120.2 RTC, 55061 RTC, 55102 RTC, 60311 RTC, 60340 RTC
04/18/24 - Amended Senate: 6486 RTC, 6539 RTC, 6597 RTC, 7671 RTC, 8781 RTC, 8829 RTC, 30206 RTC, 30244 RTC, 38416 RTC, 38434 RTC, 40005 RTC, 40076 RTC, 41075 RTC, 43007 RTC, 43201 RTC, 43351 RTC, 45007 RTC, 45201 RTC, 46009 RTC, 46202 RTC, 46302 RTC, 50106 RTC, 50108 RTC, 50113 RTC, 50120.2 RTC, 55061 RTC, 55102 RTC, 60311 RTC, 60340 RTC
06/24/24 - Amended Assembly: 6486 RTC, 6487 RTC, 6487 RTC, 6487.05 RTC, 6487.05 RTC, 6487.06 RTC, 6487.06 RTC, 6487.1 RTC, 6487.1 RTC, 6487.2 RTC, 6487.2 RTC, 6487.3 RTC, 6487.3 RTC, 6488 RTC, 6488 RTC, 6515 RTC, 6515 RTC, 6539 RTC, 6566 RTC, 6566 RTC, 6597 RTC, 6701 RTC, 6701 RTC, 6829 RTC, 6829 RTC, 6964 RTC, 6964 RTC, 7671 RTC, 7675 RTC, 7675 RTC, 7675.1 RTC, 7675.1 RTC, 7676 RTC, 7676 RTC, 8174 RTC, 8174 RTC, 8781 RTC, 8782 RTC, 8782 RTC, 8782.1 RTC, 8782.1 RTC, 8783 RTC, 8783 RTC, 8805 RTC, 8805 RTC, 8829 RTC, 8853 RTC, 8853 RTC, 8855 RTC, 8855 RTC, 8951 RTC, 8951 RTC, 9184 RTC, 9184 RTC, 12951 RTC, 12951 RTC, 12977 RTC, 12977 RTC, 30206 RTC, 30207 RTC, 30207 RTC, 30207.1 RTC, 30207.1 RTC, 30208 RTC, 30208 RTC, 30225 RTC, 30225 RTC, 30243 RTC, 30243 RTC, 30244 RTC, 30263 RTC, 30263 RTC, 30265 RTC, 30265 RTC, 30384 RTC, 30384 RTC, 32202 RTC, 32202 RTC, 32271 RTC, 32271 RTC, 32272.1 RTC, 32272.1 RTC, 32291 RTC, 32291 RTC, 32306 RTC, 32306 RTC, 32312 RTC, 32312 RTC, 32432.5 RTC, 32432.5 RTC, 32452 RTC, 32452 RTC, 38416 RTC, 38417 RTC, 38417 RTC, 38418 RTC, 38418 RTC, 38419 RTC, 38419 RTC, 38425 RTC, 38425 RTC, 38434 RTC, 38447 RTC, 38447 RTC, 38501 RTC, 38501 RTC, 38624 RTC, 38624 RTC, 40005 RTC, 40076 RTC, 40077 RTC, 40077 RTC, 40078 RTC, 40078 RTC, 40079 RTC, 40079 RTC, 40085 RTC, 40085 RTC, 40097 RTC, 40097 RTC, 41075 RTC, 41076 RTC, 41076 RTC, 41077 RTC, 41077 RTC, 41078 RTC, 41078 RTC, 41084 RTC, 41084 RTC, 41091 RTC, 41091 RTC, 43007 RTC, 43201 RTC, 43202 RTC, 43202 RTC, 43203 RTC, 43203 RTC, 43204 RTC, 43204 RTC, 43307 RTC, 43307 RTC, 43351 RTC, 43484 RTC, 43484 RTC, 45007 RTC, 45201 RTC, 45202 RTC, 45202 RTC, 45203 RTC, 45203 RTC, 45307 RTC, 45307 RTC, 45352 RTC, 45352 RTC, 45752 RTC, 45752 RTC, 46009 RTC, 46202 RTC, 46203 RTC, 46203 RTC, 46204 RTC, 46204 RTC, 46205 RTC, 46205 RTC, 46255 RTC, 46255 RTC, 46302 RTC, 46357 RTC, 46357 RTC, 46544 RTC, 46544 RTC, 50106 RTC, 50113 RTC, 50113.1 RTC, 50113.1 RTC, 50113.2 RTC, 50113.2 RTC, 50120 RTC, 50120 RTC, 50120.2 RTC, 50150.5 RTC, 50150.5 RTC, 55061 RTC, 55062 RTC, 55062 RTC, 55063 RTC, 55063 RTC, 55064 RTC, 55064 RTC, 55087 RTC, 55087 RTC, 55102 RTC, 55262.5 RTC, 55262.5 RTC, 60311 RTC, 60315 RTC, 60315 RTC, 60316 RTC, 60316 RTC, 60317 RTC, 60317 RTC, 60340 RTC, 60564 RTC, 60564 RTC
08/22/24 - Amended Assembly: 6486 RTC, 6487 RTC, 6487.05 RTC, 6487.06 RTC, 6487.1 RTC, 6487.2 RTC, 6487.3 RTC, 6488 RTC, 6515 RTC, 6539 RTC, 6566 RTC, 6597 RTC, 6701 RTC, 6829 RTC, 6964 RTC, 7671 RTC, 7675 RTC, 7675.1 RTC, 7676 RTC, 8174 RTC, 8781 RTC, 8782 RTC, 8782.1 RTC, 8783 RTC, 8805 RTC, 8829 RTC, 8853 RTC, 8855 RTC, 8951 RTC, 9184 RTC, 12951 RTC, 12977 RTC, 30206 RTC, 30207 RTC, 30207.1 RTC, 30208 RTC, 30225 RTC, 30243 RTC, 30244 RTC, 30263 RTC, 30265 RTC, 30384 RTC, 32202 RTC, 32271 RTC, 32272 RTC, 32272 RTC, 32272.1 RTC, 32273 RTC, 32273 RTC, 32291 RTC, 32306 RTC, 32312 RTC, 32387 RTC, 32387 RTC, 32432.5 RTC, 32452 RTC, 38416 RTC, 38417 RTC, 38418 RTC, 38419 RTC, 38425 RTC, 38434 RTC, 38447 RTC, 38501 RTC, 38624 RTC, 40005 RTC, 40076 RTC, 40077 RTC, 40078 RTC, 40079 RTC, 40085 RTC, 40097 RTC, 41075 RTC, 41076 RTC, 41077 RTC, 41078 RTC, 41084 RTC, 41091 RTC, 43007 RTC, 43201 RTC, 43202 RTC, 43155.01 RTC, 43155.01 RTC, 43201 RTC, 43201 RTC, 43201.01 RTC, 43201.01 RTC, 43202 RTC, 43202 RTC, 43203 RTC, 43204 RTC, 43307 RTC, 43351 RTC, 43484 RTC, 43507.5 RTC, 43507.5 RTC, 45007 RTC, 45201 RTC, 45202 RTC, 45203 RTC, 45307 RTC, 45352 RTC, 45752 RTC, 46009 RTC, 46202 RTC, 46203 RTC, 46204 RTC, 46205 RTC, 46255 RTC, 46302 RTC, 46357 RTC, 46544 RTC, 50106 RTC, 50113 RTC, 50113.1 RTC, 50113.2 RTC, 50120 RTC, 50120.2 RTC, 50150.5 RTC, 55061 RTC, 55062 RTC, 55063 RTC, 55064 RTC, 55087 RTC, 55102 RTC, 55262.5 RTC, 60311 RTC, 60315 RTC, 60316 RTC, 60317 RTC, 60340 RTC, 60564 RTC
09/03/24 - Enrolled: 6486 RTC, 6487 RTC, 6487.05 RTC, 6487.06 RTC, 6487.1 RTC, 6487.2 RTC, 6487.3 RTC, 6488 RTC, 6515 RTC, 6539 RTC, 6566 RTC, 6597 RTC, 6701 RTC, 6829 RTC, 6964 RTC, 7671 RTC, 7675 RTC, 7675.1 RTC, 7676 RTC, 8174 RTC, 8781 RTC, 8782 RTC, 8782.1 RTC, 8783 RTC, 8805 RTC, 8829 RTC, 8853 RTC, 8855 RTC, 8951 RTC, 9184 RTC, 12951 RTC, 12977 RTC, 30206 RTC, 30207 RTC, 30207.1 RTC, 30208 RTC, 30225 RTC, 30243 RTC, 30244 RTC, 30263 RTC, 30265 RTC, 30384 RTC, 32202 RTC, 32271 RTC, 32272 RTC, 32272.1 RTC, 32273 RTC, 32291 RTC, 32306 RTC, 32312 RTC, 32387 RTC, 32432.5 RTC, 32452 RTC, 38416 RTC, 38417 RTC, 38418 RTC, 38419 RTC, 38425 RTC, 38434 RTC, 38447 RTC, 38501 RTC, 38624 RTC, 40005 RTC, 40076 RTC, 40077 RTC, 40078 RTC, 40079 RTC, 40085 RTC, 40097 RTC, 41075 RTC, 41076 RTC, 41077 RTC, 41078 RTC, 41084 RTC, 41091 RTC, 43007 RTC, 43155.01 RTC, 43201 RTC, 43201.01 RTC, 43202 RTC, 43203 RTC, 43204 RTC, 43307 RTC, 43351 RTC, 43484 RTC, 43507.5 RTC, 45007 RTC, 45201 RTC, 45202 RTC, 45203 RTC, 45307 RTC, 45352 RTC, 45752 RTC, 46009 RTC, 46202 RTC, 46203 RTC, 46204 RTC, 46205 RTC, 46255 RTC, 46302 RTC, 46357 RTC, 46544 RTC, 50106 RTC, 50113 RTC, 50113.1 RTC, 50113.2 RTC, 50120 RTC, 50120.2 RTC, 50150.5 RTC, 55061 RTC, 55062 RTC, 55063 RTC, 55064 RTC, 55087 RTC, 55102 RTC, 55262.5 RTC, 60311 RTC, 60315 RTC, 60316 RTC, 60317 RTC, 60340 RTC, 60564 RTC
09/22/24 - Chaptered: 6486 RTC, 6487 RTC, 6487.05 RTC, 6487.06 RTC, 6487.1 RTC, 6487.2 RTC, 6487.3 RTC, 6488 RTC, 6515 RTC, 6539 RTC, 6566 RTC, 6597 RTC, 6701 RTC, 6829 RTC, 6964 RTC, 7671 RTC, 7675 RTC, 7675.1 RTC, 7676 RTC, 8174 RTC, 8781 RTC, 8782 RTC, 8782.1 RTC, 8783 RTC, 8805 RTC, 8829 RTC, 8853 RTC, 8855 RTC, 8951 RTC, 9184 RTC, 12951 RTC, 12977 RTC, 30206 RTC, 30207 RTC, 30207.1 RTC, 30208 RTC, 30225 RTC, 30243 RTC, 30244 RTC, 30263 RTC, 30265 RTC, 30384 RTC, 32202 RTC, 32271 RTC, 32272 RTC, 32272.1 RTC, 32273 RTC, 32291 RTC, 32306 RTC, 32312 RTC, 32387 RTC, 32432.5 RTC, 32452 RTC, 38416 RTC, 38417 RTC, 38418 RTC, 38419 RTC, 38425 RTC, 38434 RTC, 38447 RTC, 38501 RTC, 38624 RTC, 40005 RTC, 40076 RTC, 40077 RTC, 40078 RTC, 40079 RTC, 40085 RTC, 40097 RTC, 41075 RTC, 41076 RTC, 41077 RTC, 41078 RTC, 41084 RTC, 41091 RTC, 43007 RTC, 43155.01 RTC, 43201 RTC, 43201.01 RTC, 43202 RTC, 43203 RTC, 43204 RTC, 43307 RTC, 43351 RTC, 43484 RTC, 43507.5 RTC, 45007 RTC, 45201 RTC, 45202 RTC, 45203 RTC, 45307 RTC, 45352 RTC, 45752 RTC, 46009 RTC, 46202 RTC, 46203 RTC, 46204 RTC, 46205 RTC, 46255 RTC, 46302 RTC, 46357 RTC, 46544 RTC, 50106 RTC, 50113 RTC, 50113.1 RTC, 50113.2 RTC, 50120 RTC, 50120.2 RTC, 50150.5 RTC, 55061 RTC, 55062 RTC, 55063 RTC, 55064 RTC, 55087 RTC, 55102 RTC, 55262.5 RTC, 60311 RTC, 60315 RTC, 60316 RTC, 60317 RTC, 60340 RTC, 60564 RTC
SB 1528: 6486 RTC, 6539 RTC, 6597 RTC, 7671 RTC, 8781 RTC, 8829 RTC, 30206 RTC, 30244 RTC, 38416 RTC, 38434 RTC, 40005 RTC, 40076 RTC, 41075 RTC, 43007 RTC, 43201 RTC, 43351 RTC, 45007 RTC, 45201 RTC, 46009 RTC, 46202 RTC, 46302 RTC, 50106 RTC, 50108 RTC, 50113 RTC, 50120.2 RTC, 55061 RTC, 55102 RTC, 60311 RTC, 60340 RTC