The Professional Land Surveyors' Act provides for the licensure and regulation of land surveyors by the Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Geologists, which is within the Department of Consumer Affairs, and requires any person practicing, or offering to practice, land surveying in the state to submit evidence that they are qualified to practice and to be licensed under the act. Among other things, the act requires a land surveyor, when filing a corner record with the county surveyor or engineer of the county where the corner is situated, to ensure a corner accessory or monument is reconstructed or rehabilitated so that it remains permanently fixed, as specified.
This bill would instead require a land surveyor, when using a monument with a physical condition that is less than permanent and durable as control in any survey, to reconstruct or rehabilitate the monument to a permanent condition, as specified.

Statutes affected:
AB3176: 8773.3 BPC
02/16/24 - Introduced: 8773.3 BPC
04/17/24 - Amended Assembly: 8773.3 BPC
AB 3176: 8773.3 BPC