Existing law, until January 1, 2025, establishes the Court Reporters Board of California within the Department of Consumer Affairs and charges the board with the executive functions necessary for effectuating the licensure and regulation of shorthand reporters. Existing law, on and after July 1, 2022, and until January 1, 2025, authorizes an entity that is not a shorthand reporting corporation to engage in specified acts if the entity is approved for registration by the board, as specified.
This bill would extend the operation of the above provisions to January 1, 2029. The bill would require a certified shorthand reporter to state on the record their CSR number at the beginning of a proceeding, as specified. The bill would require an applicant or renewing certificate holder who has a valid email address to provide that email address to the board at the time of application or renewal and to notify the board within 30 days of any change to their email address on file.
Existing law entitles a person to obtain a certificate as a certified shorthand reporter if certain requirements are met, including passing a specified exam. Existing law requires a person to present specified evidence of qualifications for admission to the examination, including evidence that the applicant has obtained a certificate from a recognized court reporting school, as specified.
This bill, until January 1, 2029, would entitle a person to obtain a certificate as an Associate Court Reporter Trainee if certain requirements are met, including that the person presents satisfactory evidence to the board of a valid certification, as specified. As a condition to becoming fully certified, as specified, the bill would require a person who serves as an official reporter under an Associate Court Reporter Trainee certification to receive a passing grade on a specified examination no later than one year after obtaining the certificate. The bill would authorize a person to serve as an official reporter under the certificate issued pursuant to these provisions if an appointing court has hired them to serve as an official reporter. The bill would impose various requirements on an appointing court, including that an appointing court is required to consider priority placement in family courtrooms and other understaffed courtrooms when assigning a trainee.
Existing law, until January 1, 2025, requires funds generated by fees received by the board, pursuant to specified provisions, in excess of funds needed to support the board's operating budget for the fiscal year, to be transferred from the Court Reporters' Fund and used by the board for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a Transcript Reimbursement Fund, which is continuously appropriated, to provide shorthand reporting services to low-income litigants in civil cases who are unable to otherwise afford those services. Under existing law, documentation accompanying an invoice is sufficient to establish entitlement for reimbursement from the Transcript Reimbursement Fund if it is filed with the executive officer on an application form prescribed by the board, as specified.
This bill would continue the operation of provisions that provide for funds to be transferred into the Transcript Reimbursement Fund until January 1, 2029, and make other conforming changes. By continuing the transfer of funds into a continuously appropriated fund, the bill would make an appropriation.
Existing law states that a natural person holding a valid certificate as a shorthand reporter is known as a "certified shorthand reporter." Existing law prohibits any other person, firm, or corporation from assuming or using the title "certified shorthand reporter" or use any words or symbols indicating or tending to indicate that the person, firm, or corporation is certified under these provisions. Existing law specifies that the use of the words "stenographer," "reporter," or the phrases "court reporter" or "deposition reporter" in combination with words or phrases related to the practice of shorthand reporting indicates or tends to indicate certification. Existing law makes a violation of the provisions of law governing shorthand reporters a misdemeanor.
This bill would include the phrase "voice writer" to the above-described list of words and phrases. By expanding the scope of the above-described prohibition, the violation of which is a crime, the bill would impose a state-mandated local program.
The California Constitution requires the state to reimburse local agencies and school districts for certain costs mandated by the state. Statutory provisions establish procedures for making that reimbursement.
This bill would provide that no reimbursement is required by this act for a specified reason.

Statutes affected:
AB3252: 8018 BPC
02/16/24 - Introduced: 8018 BPC
04/17/24 - Amended Assembly: 8000 BPC, 8005 BPC, 8018 BPC, 8030.2 BPC, 8030.4 BPC, 8030.6 BPC, 8030.8 BPC, 8051 BPC
06/20/24 - Amended Senate: 8000 BPC, 8005 BPC, 8016 BPC, 8018 BPC, 8030.2 BPC, 8030.4 BPC, 8030.6 BPC, 8030.8 BPC, 8051 BPC
07/03/24 - Amended Senate: 8000 BPC, 8005 BPC, 8016 BPC, 8018 BPC, 8030.2 BPC, 8030.4 BPC, 8030.6 BPC, 8030.8 BPC, 8051 BPC
AB 3252: 8018 BPC