Existing law establishes the Golden State Teacher Grant Program under the administration of the Student Aid Commission to award grants to students enrolled in professional preparation programs leading to a preliminary teaching credential or a pupil personnel services credential who commit to work for 4 years at a priority school or a California preschool program, as provided. Existing law defines a "priority school" as a school with 55% or more of its pupils being unduplicated pupils, as defined, and requires the commission, in coordination with the State Department of Education, to publish a list of priority schools by April 15 of each year.
This bill would expand the definition of a "priority school" to also include a nonpublic, nonsectarian school that enrolls individuals with exceptional needs pursuant to an individualized education program and is certified by the department.

Statutes affected:
AB2768: 69617 EDC
02/15/24 - Introduced: 69617 EDC
04/01/24 - Amended Assembly: 69617 EDC
04/29/24 - Amended Assembly: 69617 EDC
AB 2768: 69617 EDC