(1) Existing law provides that a person who willfully disturbs a public school or a public school meeting is guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a fine of not more than $500.
The bill would exempt from those misdemeanor and fine provisions a person who, at the time of the disturbance, is a pupil of the school district.
(2) Existing law requires, whenever an employee of a school district or county superintendent of schools is attacked, assaulted, or physically threatened by a pupil, the employee and a person under whose direction or supervision the employee is employed who has knowledge of the incident to promptly report the incident to specified law enforcement authorities. Under existing law, failure to make the report is an infraction punishable by a fine of not more than $1,000.
This bill would expressly authorize, instead of require, an employee who is physically threatened by a pupil to report the incident, would eliminate the duty of a person under whose direction or supervision the employee is employed who has knowledge of the incident to report it, and would make conforming changes. The bill instead would require, whenever an employee is subject to an attack by a pupil that causes bodily harm sufficient to require immediate medical attention, the employee to notify specified law enforcement authorities and would eliminate the duty of a person under whose direction or supervision the employee is employed who has knowledge of the incident to report it. The bill would eliminate the above-described infraction provision for failure to make the report.
(3) Existing state law requires the principal of a school or the principal's designee to notify the appropriate law enforcement authorities of the county or city in which the school is situated of certain acts committed by a pupil that may be unlawful, including, among others, the selling or possession of narcotics or other designated controlled or regulated substances, and acts of assault, as specified.
This bill instead would eliminate the requirement that the principal or principal's designee notify the appropriate law enforcement authorities of possession of designated controlled or regulated substances by a pupil. The bill would require that the principal or principal's designee notify the appropriate law enforcement authorities if a pupil's act requires notification pursuant to the federal Gun-Free Schools Act of 1994, which conditions certain federal funding on a criminal or juvenile delinquency referral policy for a student who brings a firearm or weapon to a school.

Statutes affected:
AB2441: 32210 EDC, 44014 EDC, 48902 EDC
02/13/24 - Introduced: 32210 EDC, 44014 EDC, 48902 EDC
04/30/24 - Amended Assembly: 32210 EDC, 44014 EDC, 48902 EDC, 48902 EDC
07/03/24 - Amended Senate: 32210 EDC, 44014 EDC, 48902 EDC
AB 2441: 32210 EDC, 44014 EDC, 48902 EDC