Existing law allows a search warrant to be issued upon probable cause, supported by affidavit, naming or describing the person to be searched or searched for, and particularly describing the property, thing, or things and the place to be searched. Existing law also specifies the grounds upon which a search warrant may be issued, including, among other grounds, when the property or things to be seized constitute evidence showing that a felony has been committed.
This bill would additionally authorize a search warrant to be issued on the grounds that the property or things to be seized consists of evidence that tends to show that evidence in furtherance of sex trafficking of a person under 18 years of age, as specified, has occurred or is occurring.

Statutes affected:
AB2419: 1524 PEN
02/13/24 - Introduced: 1524 PEN
05/21/24 - Amended Assembly: 1524 PEN
06/13/24 - Amended Senate: 1524 PEN
AB 2419: 1524 PEN