Existing law establishes the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program. Existing law authorizes a local educational agency that elects to operate an expanded learning opportunity program to operate a before school component of a program, an after school component of a program, or both, as specified.
This bill would require, on or before February 1, 2025, the Superintendent of Public Instruction to convene an Expanded Learning Opportunities Program stakeholder working group, or leverage an existing expanded learning workgroup in the State Department of Education, to provide recommendations on the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program to the relevant fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature no later than November 1, 2025, as provided. The bill would require the working group or workgroup to include, but not be limited to, department staff, expanded learning providers, representatives of school districts, charter schools, and county offices of education, parents, pupils, and community partners. The bill would repeal these requirements related to the working group or workgroup on January 1, 2026.

Statutes affected:
AB2112: 46120 EDC
02/05/24 - Introduced: 46120 EDC
03/20/24 - Amended Assembly: 46120 EDC
06/06/24 - Amended Senate: 46120 EDC
AB 2112: 46120 EDC