Existing law regulates certain contracts for artistic employment between an unemancipated minor and third parties, including employment as an actor, dancer, musician, comedian, singer, stuntperson, voice-over artist, or other performer or entertainer, or sports participant. Existing law provides for the establishment of a Coogan Trust Account, as specified, for the purpose of preserving for the benefit of the minor 15% of the minor's gross earnings or a greater percentage, if requested by the minor's parent or guardian.
This bill would specifically include a content creator in these provisions and would define "content creator" as an individual who creates, posts, shares, or otherwise interacts with digital content on an online platform and engages in a direct contractual relationship with third parties, as specified.

Statutes affected:
AB1880: 6750 FAM
01/22/24 - Introduced: 6750 FAM
05/23/24 - Amended Senate: 6750 FAM
06/11/24 - Amended Senate: 6750 FAM
AB 1880: 6750 FAM