Existing law, the Ralph M. Brown Act, requires that meetings of the legislative body of a local agency, including a joint powers agency, be open and public, with specified exceptions authorizing closed sessions for specified purposes. Existing law authorizes a joint powers agency to, among other things, authorize, as specified, a designated alternate member of the legislative body of the joint powers agency who is also a member of the legislative body of a local agency member to attend closed sessions of the joint powers agency. Existing law makes certain information presented to the joint powers agency in closed session confidential, and authorizes a member of the legislative body of a local agency member to disclose certain information obtained in a closed session to legal counsel of that member local agency for specified purposes or to other members of the legislative body of that local agency in a closed session, as specified.
Existing law further authorizes the Clean Power Alliance of Southern California, or its successor entity, to authorize a designated alternate member of its legislative body who is not a member of the legislative body of a local agency member to attend its closed sessions and to make similar disclosures described above, as specified. If the Clean Power Alliance of Southern California, or its successor entity, exercises this authority, existing law requires it to establish certain policies to prevent conflicts of interest and to address breaches of confidentiality. Existing law repeals these provisions relating to the Clean Power Alliance of Southern California on January 1, 2025.
This bill would extend that repeal date to January 1, 2030.
This bill would make legislative findings and declarations as to the necessity of a special statute for the Clean Power Alliance of Southern California.