Existing law requires the State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission to undertake various actions in furtherance of meeting the state's clean energy and pollution reduction objectives. Existing law requires the commission to gather or develop, and publish on the commission's internet website, guidance and best practices to help building owners, the construction industry, and local governments overcome barriers to electrification of buildings and installation of electric vehicle charging equipment, as specified.
This bill would require the commission, on or before January 1, 2025, to submit to the Legislature an Industrial Heat Electrification Roadmap, which would, among other things, identify the industrial subsectors for various California facilities that use heat application equipment operating at or below 1,000 degrees Celsius and their locations and evaluate various issues related to industrial electrification, as specified. The bill would authorize the commission to consult with the State Air Resources Board to include in the roadmap an estimate of the reductions in emissions of greenhouse gases and criteria air pollutants, and commensurate health benefits, from electrifying the identified industrial subsectors.

Statutes affected:
AB841: 25601 PRC
02/14/23 - Introduced: 25601 PRC
03/16/23 - Amended Assembly: 25601 PRC
AB 841: 25601 PRC