Existing law requires the Governor to create an Interagency Council on Homelessness, consisting of specified members. Among other goals, existing law requires the council to coordinate existing funding and applications for competitive funding. Existing law requires the council to create a statewide data system, which is known as the Homeless Data Integration System, that collects local data through the Homeless Management Information System, with a goal of matching data on homelessness to programs impacting homeless recipients of state programs. Existing law also requires the council to collect, compile, and make available to the public financial data provided to the council from all state-funded homelessness programs. Existing law defines state programs as any programs a California state agency or department funds, implements, or administers for the purpose of providing housing or housing-based services to people experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness, except as specified.
This bill would additionally require the council to include the Governor's Tribal Advisor. The bill would remove the above-mentioned reference to competitive funding and would instead require the council to coordinate applications for funding. The bill would require council staff to develop and regularly maintain a strategic funding guide and a calendar of new or existing funding opportunities. The bill would require agencies and departments administering state programs to provide the council updated information on new or existing funding opportunities on a quarterly basis. The bill would also require council staff to collect fiscal and outcome data, as defined, from state agencies and departments administering state homelessness programs with a grantee or entity that is required to enter data elements on the individuals and families it serves into its local Homeless Management Information System, as specified. The bill would require the state agencies and departments to submit the fiscal and outcome data to council staff on or before February 1, 2027, and annually thereafter. The bill would require council staff to make the data publicly available on or before June 1, 2027, and annually thereafter.
This bill would incorporate additional changes to Section 8257 of the Welfare and Institutions Code proposed by SB 1443 to be operative only if this bill and SB 1443 are enacted and this bill is enacted last.

Statutes affected:
AB799: 8257 WIC, 8257 WIC
02/13/23 - Introduced: 50216 HSC, 50217 HSC, 50218.5 HSC
04/19/23 - Amended Assembly: 50216 HSC, 50217 HSC, 50218.5 HSC
06/22/23 - Amended Senate: 50216 HSC, 50217 HSC, 50218.5 HSC, 50218.7 HSC, 50218.7 HSC
07/03/23 - Amended Senate: 50216 HSC, 50217 HSC, 50218.5 HSC, 50218.7 HSC
06/10/24 - Amended Senate: 8257 WIC, 8257 WIC
08/05/24 - Amended Senate: 8257 WIC, 8257 WIC, 8257 WIC
08/15/24 - Amended Senate: 8257 WIC
08/23/24 - Amended Senate: 8257 WIC, 8257 WIC, 8257 WIC
08/31/24 - Enrolled: 8257 WIC, 8257 WIC
09/19/24 - Chaptered: 8257 WIC, 8257 WIC
AB 799: 50216 HSC, 50217 HSC, 50218.5 HSC