Existing law provides that a child may be adjudged to be a dependent of the juvenile court because of abuse or neglect. Existing law requires the court to review the status of certain dependent children no less frequently than once every 6 months and requires a supplemental report to be filed as part of that review. Existing law requires, when the report is regarding a child for whom the court has ordered parental rights terminated and who has been ordered placed for adoption, or, for an Indian child for whom parental rights are not being terminated and a tribal customary adoption is being considered, the report to include, among other things, a description of whether the final adoption order should include provisions for postadoptive sibling contact.
This bill would instead require the report to include a description, if applicable, of the status of the postadoptive sibling agreement.
Existing law provides a procedure for permanently terminating parental rights with regard to a child who has been adjudged a dependent child of the juvenile court. Existing law requires the social worker or probation officer to give notice of a hearing to terminate parental rights to specified individuals, including, among others, any known sibling of the child who is the subject of the hearing if the sibling is either the subject of a dependency proceeding or has been adjudged a dependent child of the juvenile court.
This bill would also require that notice be provided to siblings who are nonminor dependents as well as to the child's Court-Appointed Special Advocate, if one has been appointed. The bill would establish a procedure for certain children and nonminor dependents for whom the parental rights of their biological parent or parents were terminated to petition the court to reinstate or modify their biological parent's or parents' parental rights, as specified.
Existing law requires, if parental rights are terminated and the court orders a dependent child or ward to be placed for adoption, the county, to the extent practicable, to convene a meeting with the child, the sibling or siblings of the child, the prospective adoptive parent or parents, and a facilitator for the purpose of deciding whether to voluntarily execute a postadoption sibling contact agreement. Existing law provides that the county placing agency is not required to convene a meeting to decide whether to voluntarily execute a postadoption sibling contact agreement if specified circumstances occur.
This bill would instead specify that the purpose of the meeting is to discuss a postadoption sibling contact agreement within 90 days after termination of parental rights and prior to finalization of the adoption, as specified.
Existing law allows, in an adoption proceeding, for continuing contact between the birth relatives and a child if a postadoption contact agreement is entered into voluntarily and is in the best interests of the child at the time the adoption petition is granted. Existing law specifies that a postadoption contact agreement with siblings with whom the child does not have a preexisting relationship may only include provisions for the sharing of information about the child.
This bill would permit a postadoption contact agreement with siblings with whom the child does not have a preexisting relationship to also include provisions for visitation and for future contact.
The bill would make conforming changes.
By increasing the duties of county placing agencies, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program.
The California Constitution requires the state to reimburse local agencies and school districts for certain costs mandated by the state. Statutory provisions establish procedures for making that reimbursement.
This bill would provide that no reimbursement is required by this act for a specified reason.
This bill would incorporate additional changes to Section 8616.5 of the Family Code proposed by AB 1650 to be operative only if this bill and AB 1650 are enacted and this bill is enacted last.

Statutes affected:
AB20: 8616.5 FAM, 294 WIC, 366.26 WIC, 366.3 WIC, 16002 WIC
12/05/22 - Introduced: 8616.5 FAM, 294 WIC, 366.26 WIC, 366.3 WIC, 16002 WIC
03/15/23 - Amended Assembly: 8616.5 FAM, 294 WIC, 366.26 WIC, 366.3 WIC, 16002 WIC
09/08/23 - Amended Senate: 8616.5 FAM, 8616.5 FAM, 294 WIC, 366.26 WIC, 366.3 WIC, 16002 WIC
09/18/23 - Enrolled: 8616.5 FAM, 8616.5 FAM, 294 WIC, 366.26 WIC, 366.3 WIC, 16002 WIC
AB 20: 8616.5 FAM, 294 WIC, 366.26 WIC, 366.3 WIC, 16002 WIC