Existing law, the State Records Management Act, requires each head of a state agency to establish and maintain an active, continuing program for the economical and efficient management of the records and information collection practices of the agency, and to appoint a representative from the agency to serve as the Records Management Coordinator. Existing law requires the coordinator to, among other duties, attend records management training classes offered by the Secretary of State, act as liaison between the agency, the California Records and Information Management Program (CalRIM) , the State Records Center, and the State Records Appraisal Program (SRAP) , and schedule CalRIM and SRAP training for agency staff who have records management duties. Existing law also requires the Records Management Coordinator to coordinate an agency's records management program.
This bill would revise the duties of the Records Management Coordinator with respect to coordinating an agency's records management program to expressly require that this coordination be in accordance with the provisions of the State Records Management Act and applicable standards established by the Secretary of State in the State Administrative Manual. The bill would also require that each state agency ensure that all agency personnel, other than the Records Management Coordinator, who prepare, own, use, or retain public records on behalf of the agency receive records management training, using material offered by the Secretary of State, and that those agency personnel complete one hour of records management training within 60 days of employment and a 30 minute refresher records management training biennially thereafter.

Statutes affected:
AB1429: 12274.5 GOV
02/19/21 - Introduced: 12274.5 GOV
06/29/21 - Amended Senate: 12274.5 GOV
AB 1429: 12274.5 GOV