The proposed bill would amend section 13-2917 of the Arizona Revised Statutes by updating the language regarding public nuisances related to the sale or dissemination of obscene items. Specifically, it would replace the phrase "which" with "that" in the definition of what constitutes a public nuisance, while maintaining the existing definition of obscenity as per section 13-3501. Additionally, the bill introduces a new provision stating that this section does not apply to crime victims who contact law enforcement for assistance.
Furthermore, the bill would remove the existing subsection D and renumber the subsequent sections accordingly. The penalties for knowingly maintaining or committing a public nuisance, or failing to perform legal duties related to its removal, would remain unchanged, still classified as a class 2 misdemeanor. Overall, the bill aims to clarify and modernize the language of the statute while providing protections for crime victims.
Statutes affected: Introduced Version: 13-2917