This bill proposes significant updates to current statutes regarding the manufacture, possession, and transfer of assault weapons and large capacity magazines in Arizona. Under the new provisions, it would be illegal for any person, corporation, or entity to manufacture, import, possess, purchase, sell, or transfer these items, with specific exemptions for government officials, military personnel, and law enforcement agencies acting within their duties. Additionally, individuals who legally possessed such weapons prior to the law's enactment would have a 90-day grace period to either remove, render inoperable, surrender, or register their weapons, with detailed requirements for registration including background checks and secure storage.
The bill also establishes penalties for violations, categorizing offenses based on the nature of the violation, with fines ranging from $750 for a first misdemeanor to $5,000 for more serious offenses. It introduces civil liability for registered owners if their weapons are used in crimes, although this liability does not apply if the weapon was reported stolen. Furthermore, the bill defines "assault weapon" and "large capacity magazine," clarifying what constitutes these terms and outlining exceptions for certain types of firearms. Overall, the proposed legislation aims to enhance firearm regulation and accountability in Arizona.
Statutes affected: Introduced Version: 13-3123