The proposed bill would amend section 41-1609.03 of the Arizona Revised Statutes, specifically updating the responsibilities of private contractors that provide detention or incarceration services. Under current law, these contractors are liable for the costs of emergency, public safety, or security services provided by the state or its political subdivisions, and they must reimburse these costs. The bill retains this liability but clarifies the language by removing the phrase "shall be" and replacing it with "Is," ensuring the contractor's obligations are clearly stated.
Additionally, the bill introduces new requirements for private contractors. It mandates that they "shall keep and maintain a complete and accurate record of all of its services," and it designates the private contractor as a public body, making it subject to the provisions of title 39, chapter 1, which pertains to public records. This insertion aims to enhance transparency and accountability in the operations of private contractors involved in incarceration services.
Statutes affected: Introduced Version: 41-1609.03